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Lincoln-Sudbury Adult & Community Education
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Quilling Card Demonstration and Workshop
Learn to quill with your very own DIY kit from Quilling Card! Join us for an in person tutorial of the ancient art form of quilling. Perfect for beginners or more advanced crafters. You will be taught about the history of the art form and how to do it for yourself! Bring your glasses and patience! For ages 16 - adult.
Spring Guided Walk: Greenways in Wayland
Join Ted Elliman exploring the woods, meadows, and wetlands of Greenways in Wayland. Early spring is the best time to view the earliest blooming wildflowers, tree leaves just breaking bud, migrating birds, and signs of post-winter stirring by mammals, insects, and amphibians.
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Creative Writing and Humanities
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Nature: Birds, Bees and Guided Walks
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Fall 2024/Winter 2025
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Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge
Camp Sewataro
Codman Community Farms
College Pond
Davis Farm
Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge - Weir Hill
Greenways Conservation Area
Gropius House, 1938
Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School
North Bridge Visitor Center
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Sudbury Wine & Spirits
Tippling Rock
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Rachel Kramer (flickr)
(CC BY 2.0)
Backyard Birdsong Identification
Nature: Birds, Bees and Guided Walks
Have you ever wondered if that “tweet” is from a cardinal or a chickadee? Join this class to learn the language spoken by our feathered friends. Our birding expert, Michele Grzenda, will start with a few basic bird songs as a reference, then add to your repertoire with repetition and practice. You’ll learn the types of sound birds make and why they make them, and explore common bird songs heard in MA. Each class will focus on approximately 10-15 different birds.
Spring 2025
Baker County Tourism Travel Baker County (flickr)
(CC BY 2.0)
Biking for Fun & Exercise
Mind, Body & Games
Grab your wheels for this 4-week biking series that will explore Sudbury and surrounding towns. Join our biking veteran leader for a different 15-18 mile guided ride each week. Meet other biking enthusiasts for some fun and camaraderie and to enjoy the beautiful colors of New England. All abilities welcome, helmets required. LIMIT 6; register now to confirm your spot!
Spring 2025
Classic Cocktail and Mocktail Mixology
Creative & Culinary Arts
Learn to craft your own classic cocktail and mocktail! Make Old Fashioneds, Martinis, and Manhattans, and alcohol-free libations. Join in the fun at Sudbury Wine & Spirits and learn to be a creative bartender, experimenting with flavors, ingredients, and tailor drinks to your own taste.
Spring 2025
Composting 101 - Codman Community Farms
Featured Classes
Have you always wanted to compost but don’t know where to begin? If so, this class is for you! Join us at Codman Community Farms in Lincoln to learn all about composting - the benefits, how to begin the process and how to avoid common mistakes. This class will include a brief overview of our working farm and how we process waste - you’ll leave feeling a confident composter!
Spring 2025
Starting Soon
Cutting the Cable: Your TV Options in the Digital Age
Home Improvement
Are you ready to “cut the cable?” Watching TV has changed over the last 20 years. Now you can choose from hundreds of channels, watch TV on just about any electronic device anytime, anywhere! We will walk you through all the ways you can watch your favorite shows: traditional cable, over the air, streaming and live TV over the Internet. We will discuss some of the pros and cons of each and whether your TV is “smart enough,” or if you will need additional hardware to use the Internet services. There will be demonstrations and time for your questions.
Spring 2025
Demystifying Social Security
Professional, Financial, and Legal
Deciding how and when to claim Social Security is one of the most critical financial decisions a person will make in his or her lifetime. By not understanding the many complex rules surrounding Social Security, you could leave thousands of dollars on the table. In this class, you will learn when you should file for Social Security benefits? What are the advantages and disadvantages of filing at age 62 or deferring to age 70? How does the November 2015 change in the rules affect me? How can I make sure I am taking advantage of available spousal, survivor or divorced benefits? How much of my Social Security will be subject to income tax? What potential changes are in store for Social Security and how might they affect my claiming decision? These questions and many more will be answered in this very important class. No Senior/Staff Discount.
Spring 2025
Gifts & Donations
We appreciate your donation in any amount. The mission of the Lincoln-Sudbury Adult & Community Education program is to provide a variety of quality courses that educate, enrich, enhance and inspire our community to meet their personal and professional goals. Our non-profit, self-supporting program promotes the greater community to residents in Lincoln, Sudbury, Wayland, Maynard and beyond. We develop, plan, and implement programs in a wide range of subject areas; academic courses, career skills, creative arts, home improvement, adult health and exercise programs, and children's enrichment. We partner and collaborate with other non-profit community groups. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, select the denomination of your choice in the drop-down menu to the right. You will receive an email confirmation upon completion of the donation. For more information or if you have questions please contact us at or 978-443-9961 x3326. Thank you. Tax ID #04-6006428
Fall 2024/Winter 2025
Gifts & Donations
We appreciate your donation in any amount. The mission of the Lincoln-Sudbury Adult & Community Education program is to provide a variety of quality courses that educate, enrich, enhance and inspire our community to meet their personal and professional goals. Our non-profit, self-supporting program promotes the greater community to residents in Lincoln, Sudbury, Wayland, Maynard and beyond. We develop, plan, and implement programs in a wide range of subject areas; academic courses, career skills, creative arts, home improvement, adult health and exercise programs, and children's enrichment. We partner and collaborate with other non-profit community groups. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, select the denomination of your choice in the drop-down menu to the right. You will receive an email confirmation upon completion of the donation. For more information or if you have questions please contact us at or 978-443-9961 x3326. Thank you. Tax ID #04-6006428
Spring 2025
Virginia State Parks (flickr)
(CC BY 2.0)
Early Morning Bird Exploration
Nature: Birds, Bees and Guided Walks
Join Luke Faust, Associate Member of the Sudbury Conservation Commission, for an early morning walk at Davis Farm and Field in Sudbury to discover the birds that frequent the varied habitats contained within these conservation areas. With a mix of meadows, wetlands, and forests, Davis Farm and Field is home to an inordinate number of avian species. Learn various field identification techniques to identify these species by sight as well as sound. All levels and experience welcome. Bring binoculars. Ample parking is available at Davis Field, 195 North Road, Sudbury.
Spring 2025
Family Fishing Clinic
Nature: Birds, Bees and Guided Walks
Have you ever wanted to learn how to fish? Now’s your chance, let the MassWildlife Angler Education Program be your guide. We’ll have equipment on hand for use, as well as terminal tackle, and live bait. You’ll learn the basics, from casting out to baiting up, and the best part - you’ll actually be able to fish. So come try your hand at this great pastime, guaranteed to catch some fun! Pre-registration is required. Please note: This is NOT a kid’s program. It is a program for people of all ages that want to learn how to fish. If you are 15 and younger you must be accompanied by an adult. Please complete ONE (1) registration per family (up to 5 people).
Spring 2025
Farm Table to Brunch Tour - Codman Community Farms
Featured Classes
For the most local brunch possible, come to the farm to collect your own eggs and veggies and then enjoy a delicious brunch prepared by Codman’s Chef Tilli. This is a combination walking tour of the farm, hayride to egg collection, vegetable harvest and finally brunch. We’ll start by harvesting veggies in our no-till market garden and then boarding a hay wagon to our laying hen pasture to collect freshly laid eggs. You’ll get hands-on experience and the chance to ask lots of questions and see how we produce our delicious food up close. Class includes all materials needed. Comfortable walking shoes and sun hats are encouraged.
Spring 2025
First Aid, CPR & AED
Mind, Body & Games
This American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) course covers CPR, AED, First Aid, Medical/Injury Emergencies, Allergies, Epipens and Asthma. Participants receive 2-year ASHI certification in Pediatric First Aid and Adult and Pediatric CPR and AED use. This class is suitable for day-care providers, grandparents, coaches, scout leaders and parents. Ages 12 and up. No discounts.
Spring 2025
Fused Glass Workshop: Sushi Serving Set
Creative & Culinary Arts
In this 3-hour workshop, you will learn the basics of glass fusing while having fun playing with glass shapes, colors and textures. First, through a series of fun exercises, you will learn how to use glass powders, and frits, stringers, and copper. Design and create your own sushi set, featuring two small plates and one large serving dish, perfect to serve sushi, cheese and crackers or desserts. Your instructor will fire your creations in his own kiln. They will be available at Lincoln-Sudbury within two weeks. Safety note: Students must wear closed toe shoes. Safety glasses will be provided. Check out Michel's website: (
Spring 2025
Getting to Know your (Feathered) Neighbors
Nature: Birds, Bees and Guided Walks
Birdwatching is fun and easy to do right in your backyard. Here's your chance to take your curiosity about these amazing creatures that live all around us to new levels,and appreciate the natural world they enrich. Join birding expert, Michele Grzenda, for this virtual presentation which will include beginner bird watching tips and tricks, birding resources, and what you can do to help your feathered friends in your backyard and beyond.
Spring 2025
Alan O'Rourke (flickr)
(CC BY 2.0)
Gift Certificates
Gifts & Donations
Our gift certificates can be applied to any Lincoln-Sudbury Adult & Community Ed program or activity. Within 2 business days after purchasing, you will receive the gift certificate via email. You may then print it or email it to the recipient. Important: Please select your own name as the "attendee" when placing your order. We will ask for the recipients name and gift message later in the checkout process.
Fall 2024/Winter 2025
Alan O'Rourke (flickr)
(CC BY 2.0)
Gift Certificates
Gifts & Donations
Our gift certificates can be applied to any Lincoln-Sudbury Adult & Community Ed program or activity. Within 2 business days after purchasing, you will receive the gift certificate via email. You may then print it or email it to the recipient. Important: Please select your own name as the "attendee" when placing your order. We will ask for the recipients name and gift message later in the checkout process.
Spring 2025
Gropius House Tour
Featured Classes
Walter Gropius, founder of the German design school known as the Bauhaus, was one of the most influential architects of the 20th century. He designed this house in Lincoln as his family home in 1938, when he came to teach at Harvard's Graduate School of Design. Modest in scale, it combined the traditional elements of New England architecture with innovative materials rarely used in domestic settings at that time. Enjoy this one hour guided house tour where all the family possessions are still in place.
Spring 2025
Virginia State Parks (flickr)
(CC BY 2.0)
Guided Spring Bird Walks with Michele Grzenda
Nature: Birds, Bees and Guided Walks
Three spring bird walks! Great Meadows-Weir Hill, North Bridge Visitors Center, College Pond. Get outdoors and learn to identify 25 species commonly found in our neighborhoods, wetlands, and forests. Michele Grzenda, Naturalist, will point out various field identification techniques by sight and sound. This easy-to-moderate walk is designed for beginner and intermediate bird watchers. While we can never guarantee that you'll see a particular species, you'll enjoy getting outside and exploring a local area. No binoculars? No problem - Michele has a few pairs for students to borrow.
Spring 2025
Jewelry Making Open Studio
Creative & Culinary Arts
This class is open to students who have completed a beginning jewelry class. Students will work independently to start or finish individual projects. There will be demonstrations each week geared towards students’ projects. No discounts.
Spring 2025
Long-term Care Asset Planning Strategies
Professional, Financial, and Legal
The high cost of long-term care can wipe out a family’s life savings in a short period of time. Unfortunately, many families are faced with this situation, finding themselves at the mercy of an under-funded government Medicaid system with limited choices. Recent legislative changes have created many questions surrounding planning techniques: How can I protect my home? What is the penalty for giving assets away? Are my assets protected if I put them in a trust? When is long-term care insurance worthwhile to consider? What if my loved one is already in a nursing home, can they still protect their assets? All of these questions and more will be clearly answered in this very important class.
Spring 2025
Mastering Your Digital Camera
Creative & Culinary Arts
The digital camera has revolutionized photography. This course is for the beginning photographer with a SLR or mirrorless camera My goal is to help you develop your photographic vision by teaching you how to go beyond automatic settings on your camera. We will learn how aperture, shutter speed and ISO can be manipulated to yield creative images. We will learn about RAW vs. JPEG images, white balance, depth of field, and exposure. Hands-on exercises on exposure metering and autofocus will give you a better understanding of your camera's capabilities. As you learn to take control of your camera, we will discuss the basics of composition and how to express your vision. We will also explore how to display your images through print and digital medium. The course will consist of handouts, didactic presentations, and individualized opportunities to practice with your camera in the classroom. We will plan one or two optional field trips on weekends (or weekdays if you prefer) to put into practice what we have learned in the classroom. Weekly assignments will be submitted via the Internet prior to each class so we can critique our images as a group. The course is for four weeks and is limited to 7 individuals to maximize interaction with the instructor and other members of the class. Course requirements include a digital SLR or mirrorless camera, access to the Internet, Adobe Acrobat Reader (a free program), and enthusiasm. Optional accessories include a tripod, polarizing filter, and shutter release cable.
Spring 2025
Starting Soon
Mobility, Balance and Nutrition as We Age: Strength Training for All Levels
Mind, Body & Games
Want improved balance and strength? Explore the science behind muscle growth through a balanced diet and strength training to support a healthier you! Each class will have a short discussion then training. With experience in Olympic coaching and a passion for injury prevention, Nikki will personalize training for your needs. Bring a mat, water, and a towel. If you have exercise bands, you can bring those, too!
Spring 2025
Monthly Fresh Flower Arrangement
Creative & Culinary Arts
CLASSES RUN MONTHLY THROUGH JUNE. SCROLL RIGHT ARROW ON CALENDAR TO SEE ADDITIONAL MONTHS. Make and take home a seasonal flower arrangement each month this spring. Arrangements can be given as a gift or enjoyed in your own home. All materials included. *SPECIAL: Sign up for all 3 and save $10! Must sign up for all 3 at the same time.
Spring 2025
Ooey Gooey Cinnamon Buns
Creative & Culinary Arts
Indulge your senses with the sweet aroma of freshly baked cinnamon buns, whether you're a baking enthusiast or a beginner. Create these delectable treats from scratch at LS, guided by an experienced chef, and bring HOME TO BAKE. In this hands-on session, you'll learn the secrets behind the perfect dough, the art of rolling and shaping, and the tantalizing spice blend for the signature cinnamon filling. Discover the trick to achieving that irresistible gooey texture and golden-brown crust. A short list of baking utensils will be sent in advance (rolling pin, large & small bowl, knife). PLEASE BRING 9 X 13 BAKING DISH, GLASS PREFERRED. Additional $15 food fee to be paid in person.
Spring 2025