FINDING THE RIGHT FIT – Participants will identify what to consider and what partners are needed to make this transition successful. These include selling a home before the move, working with realtors, renovations, title V and more. Financing and paying for care and housing will also be discussed. The session will allow for a question and answer/sharing time.
Owner of Transitions Liquidation Services, Marie LeBlanc earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the General Motors Institute in Flint MI; an MBA from Nichols College in Dudley MA; and worked in various management positions for many high-tech manufacturers before starting Transitions Liquidation Services in 2021. In the 23 years since the company’s inception, TLS has handled over 3000 transitions involving local and interstate moves, distribution of estates, and preparing homes for market and sale. She made her own transition and downsized from a home in Harvard to a condo overlooking Hyannis Harbor in 2015.
Marie LeBlanc