Kimchi by Emily Makrez, F-Word Farm: Learn how to make your own kimchi at this hands-on workshop. All workshops will include an in depth session that explains the chemistry behind ferments, why ferments are good for you, and guides you through making your own jars to take with you. Give yourself the gift of learning a life skill that’s a real benefit to your well-being. Plus it’s fun!
Emily Makrez of F-Word Farm, is an experienced fermentation teacher, teaching the principles of fermentation farming, foraging & fermenting. Emily teaches classes on fermentation and constantly shares tips about things such as mushroom foraging on Instagram. She was also invited by the Office of Sustainability to teach how to make vinegar from fruit scraps. Besides supplying fresh produce to a local restaurants, she also helped start a community kitchen at a nearby church, where she uses koji – “the Edward Scissorhands of food molds” – to make a fermented Asian marinade, shio koji, that is gaining popularity in the U.S.
Emily Makrez